Senin, 23 April 2012

The pattern of lead in an organization According to the ideology espoused

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            Leader is the individual human being mandated to lead his followers to be directed according to the expected goal. The rest, may mean that the leader is a person who has skills in particular skills and strengths in one area so that he can influence others to achieve one or more goals. Leaders are usually located on the tallest structure in an existing organization. This is why the leaders have a special duty in carrying out the vision and mission of an organization. Basically, the pattern of lead from one leader to another leader who has different characteristics. This will naturally have an impact on the atmosphere of leadership in an organization that would certainly vary from one another. leader will always adjust the working conditions in a way that would lead him to apply. In an organization, but there will be a leader, will also be found some of the staff that was certainly obliged to assist leaders in carrying out the performance of an organization. Patterns associated with leaders who have led their own way, this is because each of the leaders have the ideology / different views of a phenomenon that is captured. Ideology is a collection of ideas and ideas. Regarded as a comprehensive vision of a way of looking at everything something that. The main objective behind the implementation of an ideology is to offer a normative change through the process. For example, leadership in a formal educational institution will make a different treatment to what is done by the leader in a military institution. It is clear that the answer can be found by the difference in these two things, but keep in mind also that ideology is a tool used to realize the vision with a variety of different thinking. In the scope of formal education, type of leadership exercised by superiors to subordinates only limited co-workers used to use a particular order. As with the field of military leaders who will look hard at character responsibility which exists to achieve military objectives. This is depicted as different leadership patterns associated with the ideology that is used by state leaders as well as adjust the work environment.

Keywords:      leader, leadership, pattern of lead, ideology.

April 23, 2012
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